How I help early-stage startups as a freelancer.


    I mainly work with Django. I build REST APIs with Django Rest Framework, deploy apps on Heroku/Render (incl. CI/CD), containerize with Docker, version control with Git & GitHub, write vanilla JS, jQuery, and Next.JS, and work with AWS services (e.g. Lambda, ECR, RDS, S3, Glue, Athena). Besides that, I'm always eager to learn new technologies.


    I have a broad set of skills across the data toolset. I scrape the web to obtain custom datasets, analyze them with Pandas, NumPy, and SQL, or fine-tune language models on the data using Huggingface, Keras, and Tensorflow. I've built data pipelines that process hundreds of GB, using AWS services like Glue, Athena, S3, Lambda, and ECR. I also taught Data Science to students at LeWagon, topics ranging from basic data analytics to deep learning.


    On my entrepreneurial journey I learned how to grow a newsletter audience through content marketing and selling digital products to this audience. I also joined a startup accelerator, raised money, conducted hundreds of user interviews and built rough prototypes in Figma. In a former life I also built a yoga & meditation platform and worked in B2B sales for a VR startup.